How much is a timing belt replacement for a Honda?

I have a 1997 Honda Accord EX
I went to a local auto repair shop and asked them how much for a timing belt replacement. He said around $400. Why so much?
I have the timing belt, I just need someone to replace it.
Is this normal? I haven't really shopped around since I just went yesterday.
I have high miles on my car and I was informed I should get this replaced before it becomes a problem.

Is it a 4 (2.2L) or 6 (2.7L) cylinders. The cost is included T-belt service (include coolant), T-belt tensioner with water pump replacement done by any repair shop (but not in your area):

4 cylinders: $546.24 ------------------------- 6 cylinders: $648.40
Time: 4.5 hrs ----------------------------------- Time: 7.1 hrs.
Rate: $82.00/hour---------------------------- Rate: $82.00/hour
Labor: $369.00--------------------------------- Labor:$459.20
Parts: $177.24---------------------------------… Parts: $189.20

So exactly what the shop is going to replace? Around $400 is not a confirm price, they may add seals or other items and claim that they do not know until the engine timing cover is off. ASK before hand. Get a final price. The drive belts, if replace then you'll have to pay for the belts. The labor is included in the T-belt service since they have to remove the drive belts in order to replace the T-belt. Buy your own drive belts and avoid a mark up price.

Go to this site and get an estimate the cost of T-belt replacement where you at:
Hope it helps. HTH

I have the same car, mine is a v6. 400 is really cheap. Do change the timing belt and water pump.
This is not a diy project if you don't have experience with timing belts

It's quite a labor intensive job, much more than just "changing a belt".

Normally $700 - $900 but you should be changing the water pump and your belts too.

Do call a Honda dealer to get a estimate, it will be the high end of this repair.

400, that seems like a really good deal. You need to replace other parts at same time since you have to engine open, like belt pulleys and water pump.

You could shop around for an affordable price, but the cheaper you go, the cheaper labor you will receive.

The entire front of the motor has to come off along with the radiator in order to get to the belt. Since the front end is off its always a good idea to change the water pump while your at it, since its rite there. The advice you got was correct. Get the work done even if you have to take it on the chin. If that belt breaks while driving ; severe and often fatal engine damage will result. At that point you will own a 50.00 $ junkyard dog…

Evey one is full of it. Mechanics ask for way too much. I bought the timing belt and water pump myself for $80 and found someone to do a good job for $100. A total of 180!
It's a 1997 Honda… Doesn't get much easier. I'm going to buy tools and start doing these on my own… Don't EVER pay that much for a timing belt people…

I will do it for a bowl of pho.

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