How much would it typically cost to have a wire issue fixed on my car?

I have a 2001 Honda Accord EX and I recently noticed that my small lights (dash and tail lights) wouldn't turn on when I started my car. My headlights, blinkers, brakes and caution lights work fine, just not the dash illumination and my tail lights. I replaced the fuse and it burnt out so I know it's not the fuse (though I wish it were only that simple of a fix). I wanna take it to a shop to have it looked at, but does anyone know how much something like that would normally cost?

Repairing electrical problems is a time and materials job. There's no way to estimate how long it will take. If you're lucky, they'll find it right away. If not, they may have to tear out the carpet and track all the way through the wiring harness. That can cost $1,000's.

Talk to the shop and set an upper limit on how much you're willing to spend. And find a shop that specializes in electrical repair.

At least $3,000. Does this help? If you "wanna" (you have no idea how I detest the "wanna" and the "gonna" made up "words") take it to a shop, how does guessing by strangers help you? Having a smartphone and the ability to text is not allowing our children to evolve logical brains. Without a mechanic looking at the issue and identifying the problem, no one and I mean no know, could know or guess. OK? Car repairs are not on some sort of fixed menu of costs. Services are. Front end alignment, for example. An oil change. Tire rotation. Tire repair. A cooling system flush. But unknown repairs? Sorry. Just go and have the car fixed.

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