How much would it cost to fix a car radiator?

My brother has a 2001 Honda Civic, on Thursday the radiator completely broke it doesn't work at all I have no clue what happened to it but he doesn't want to put any money into the car so he said I can have it if I fix it. Please help also I want to change the engine since it has high miles, so how much would it be to fix the radiator & engine? I live in California if that helps

It should cost between $200 - $350 to replace the radiator. Make sure it is the radiator that needs to be replaced, not just a hose (there are two main radiator hose: top and bottom). Take it to a mechanic and have them verify what's wrong with it (do not drive the car if the cooling system is broken - you will kill the engine).

Unless there's something wrong with the engine, do not replace it! High miles does not mean you need to replace the engine. Just make sure you replace the timing belt once it has around 80K miles on it.

$100 bucks, give or take $30 for a new radiator if you shop around online for one. It will cost $300 to $600 if you pay a shop to do the work to replace it. Don't forget new hoses and coolant.

"[H]ow much would it be to fix the radiator & engine"?

You don't fix a radiator, you replace it.

What's wrong with the engine?