How reliable are 1988 Honda Accords?
How reliable are 1988 Honda Accords?
Added (1). I'm looking at one on Craigslist with 334,000 miles on it. 5 speed manual, body looks ok with little rust and rough paint. Interior looks very clean. If the car turns out to be in good condition, how many more miles could I make it last? How should I maintain it?
Being a 26 year old car thing might go wrong that you would least expect. I would not expect the car to be in good condition although the owner might have than car of the car mechanically.
The 1988 Honda Accord is a very reliable car. But, and that is a big but, this car has 334,000 miles on the odometer. With that many miles anything can fail at any time. Also the 1988 Honda Accord has an interference engine which means you MUST change the cam belt every 60,000 miles. If you do not and the belt breaks you will have serious engine damage. The very cheapest you could get the belt replaced would be around $225. Unless you know positively when it was last changed you would have to change it immediately after buying the car. I personally would advise against buying any car with this many miles. Everything on the car is going to be worn out unless lots of things have been replaced. Struts, exhaust system, all steering parts, suspension parts, transmission, clutch, etc. So many things that will cost allot to repair. The car is just not worth much. Maybe if you could buy it for around $250 it might be worth taking a chance on.
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