I have a 1993 honda accord coupe. When I slow down to turn or even park my car, I have to use all my strength?
I have a 1993 honda accord coupe. When I slow down to turn or even park my car, I have to use all my strength?
Added (1). What could it be?
Does that have optional stretch armstrong steering? Are you mashing the brake? The car being 20 years old, you have a better idea what parts are new and what parts are not. Do you check your tire pressure? Does it have power steering? Is there anything in the pump? Has it been wrecked before? Is there a bent part? GET AN INSPECTION and diagnosis. And an estimate.
Steering pump is bad.
There are many things which you have to look out. Such as; Bent wheel rims, tire defects, alignment, defected front suspension components, steering pump worn out and has weak pressure, defected motor mounts, front half shaft CV joints, loose/ worn out belt. Etc.
Consult with Mechanic. He will tell you the main problem.
Power steering pump.
Power steering pump or belt is bad, or even low on fluid.
Maybe it's the alignment?
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