I have a 1994 Honda accord that has some issues?

I have a 1994 Honda accord that has some issues?

Added (1). The car will only accelerate to 4k rpm in any gear then engine acts like its redlining. Is this because the vtec is not working? I heard the filter on the solenoid, could be dirty and the oil in the car when i got it was old. Has new oil now. How do i clean it? Also the car will idle up and down then drop back to normal idle and continue doing it randomly. I cleaned the IAC already it was very dirty. Has new o2 sensor.

You're running in limp mode. Many reasons why that could be. If you aren't throwing a CEL I would check the CEL bulb because that could be burned out. If you're running in limp mode the CEL should be on. You can also try to adjust the fast idle valve to get the idle fixed. You could also have air in the cooling system. But worry about limp mode first because that could fix your idle issue as well. Watch the source video

Use a hammer a hammer is a really good tool to fix things

Get it fixed.