I have a 95 Honda Accord EX and i want to change out the factory radio?

Is it a double or single din radio?

It's single DIN. Are you going with after market units? I do not know if you need more help or not. These two sites may help in installation and more:
But if you going back with another the OEM unit. Then you may need this OEM site to reset the new unit:
This site show the OEM radio unit for your 95 Accord and the specifications:
Hope I've answered the question. Need more help? E mail me. HTH.

Please capitalize the pronoun, I, always. Not teen texting allowed in my zone. As to the audio of this car. DO NOT DO THIS. Only a trained and certified auto audio specialist should work on any car. Why? There are security safeguards that need to be considered. One of them is a radio code that you probably do not have. This can shut the car down as a theft prevention. You have been warned.

Go to best buy, go to the stereo section, and use their computer. It'll ask you for your basic car info and will tell you what will fit exactly. You can do a single or double din, just depends on your car model/trim.

As for installing it, you can do it yourself. Google YouTube videos, it's fairly easy. I do it myself.

If you're going for a single din, then make sure it's detachable, you would be able to take off the radio with the push of a button and take it with you so no one breaks into your car to steal it