I'm getting a metal grinding sound on my right front wheel when I turn left. What might this indicate?

2001 honda accord. Brakes have been grinding a little and I may need to replace them soon. However, separately there's a horrible grinding noise coming from the right front wheel. But only when I turn hard left.

Any ideas? I just had both ball joints replaced.

I suppose there's a chance you have a bad wheel bearing but if you already have had grinding when applying the brakes, by now the pads are gone and you probably have waited too long and now have a frozen caliper! The minute you hear brake noise it's time to have them inspected to prevent more costly repairs! Mechanics are always glad to do a free brake inspection and give you a quote. It's one of the few "gravy" jobs left that assures them a pay check.

CV joint (or CV boot as they call it)

Grinding when turning either means your brake pads have worn to metal (costly repairs are in order) OR the rubber boot on the CV joint has broken down, leaked grease, and the CV joint is now bad.

NOTE: It's often cheaper to replace the axel than to try and replace just the CV joint and boot.

Have a look under the car. Check the rubber boots (both sides front end) to see if the rubber accordion looking thing is cracked. If there's grease all over everything - that's another sign of a failed CV joint.

Did my wife's car axels recently. Cost $102.00 each axel. Not easy to put in either. Les Schwabb does a nice job at a good price. And if the transmission axel seal begins to leak they will replace it. You ONLY pay the cost of the new seal, maybe less than $20.00

Hope this helps.

"Brakes have been grinding a little and I may need to replace them soon".

Well no actually, you need to replace them now, not "soon". Since you've waited way past time, the rotors will need replaced too. Congrats on turning a 60 dollar job into a 120 dollar job. That's of course, if you do it yourself, which I find unlikely.