I'm looking for 6.5 inch car speakers?
I have a 2014 honda accord and after Googling sizes I believe it is 6.5 inches. I have a 5 channel amp that I will connect to a sub. The 5th channel provides 300W at 2ohm. I'm planning on upgrading the two door speakers and if I bridge the channels on the amp, I'll have two channels with 150watts.
My question is, does anyone have any recommendations for 150w door speakers. The best ones I found were Alpine type R with 110W rms.
If you have other suggestions, the 4 channels deliver 75w at 2 ohms.
You say "if you bridge the channels", but you don't say which channels you want to bridge. For stereo, you at least need to have discreet left and right channels. You 5 channel amp, you want to connect to a sub- all 5 channels bridged? No, that sounds like a big noisy mess will result. Use the four main channels for four 6.5 inch speakers of the proper impedance and not exceeding more power than each speaker is rated to handle. You 5th channel is left for your 2 ohm sub. A sub given 300 watts can pleasantly supply enough bass for your accord. How about 2 speakers on the front doors, 2 speakers on the rear deck and one 300 watt 12 inch woofer. That should provide a performance equivalent to a live concert in your car. Go to a stereo shop and audition what's on display so you have a better idea what good stereo performance is and what you can have installed in your car.
Please give the brand and model number of the amp so the specs can be checked, or give all the power ratings in watts RMS and at what impedance (ohms) for the amp in bridged and unbridged mode, and the same for each of the speakers.
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