I recently change the head gasket and hoses my car still seems to over heat any
Is an old Honda 91 accord I changed the head gasket and spark plugs and some hoses the car was overheating prior to this now the new head gasket is installed and the hoses and spark plugs and is still over heating
Just a few questions. Did you have the head crack tested, change the thermostat, flush the radiator out? Is the fan working on the radiator?
You could have not followed the head bolt torquing sequence correctly, the head could have been damaged or warped when the engine over heated.
It's probably the radiator.
Have you checked the radiator or thermostat?
Water pump. Fan. Radiator. Belts.
Dis you have the cylinder heads checked for flatness at an automotive engine machine shop and machined flat if they were not flat? Did you apply Teflon thread sealer before torquing the heads down?
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