Why does my car over heat?

I have a 2002 Honda civic ex I have had the radiator, water pump, timing chain, and thermostat replaced in it recently. However when ever I drive it over 50 mph it starts to over heat and water is spraying out of the radiator through the top were cap is at. I can drive it all day under 50 mph and it is fine so does anyone have any ideas to why my car is doing this?

Head gasket

The only normal reasons for it to be losing coolant at the cap are a crack in the radiator neck, a broken recovery hose (to the reservoir) or a bad radiator cap. I would replace the cap with a new one from the dealer - aftermarket radiator caps are not to be trusted. I bet that takes care of it.

Maybe there's a crack in your new radiator, or maybe your cap is bad. You should always put a new radiator cap with a new radiator. As long as there isn't oil in your coolant or coolant in your oil, your head gaskets are fine. If there's oil in your coolant, it'll either be all brownish colored and look like milkshake, or you'll be able to see the oil separate in the coolant. Check the oil on your dipstick to see if it's all milkshaky. Be sure to check oil when the car has been warmed up and turned off. Also, be sure you're using the correct coolant. There's orange, green and red i think. An auto parts store should be able to tell you, or your owners manual. Also, make sure you diluted the anitfreeze correctly if you didn't get the 50/50 mix.

Was all the air bled out of the system? There's an air bleeder valve on that motor, and you need to open it while filling the cooling system. An air pocket can cause the problems you are having

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