Is a honda accord ex the best choice for a reliable car? Transmission reports? Engine? 125k-190k?

Is a honda accord ex the best choice for a reliable car? Transmission reports? Engine? 125k-190k?

I can recommend every year Honda made except the 2003-04 models which have transmissions issues. Avoid those years. Any other year will be a reliable vehicle.

Both HOnda and toyota ahve been the best cars around since the 1980's. They blasted the american auto industry away with their cars, and the Honda Accords is one of THE BEST cars ever made. Altho' both companies in modern times have had their own problems with massive recall issues. But I'd say that if you can find a Honda Accord in good condition with you to 120K miles, then get it. Take it to garage to have them look car over, spend $100 bucks to find out what condition it's in. Theyll test engine to see how tight it is, check brakes, etc, and let you know for sure how good it is.

I had small Toyota, bought at 100K, and drove it for 10 years until 260K miles, and engine and tranny were STILL good. Everything else was falling apart.

So at 100K miles, a japanese motor is just broken in! It can easily go beyond 200K miles with good care.

Well, not the best