Is the maintenance cost of an infiniti g35 coupe significantly more than a honda accord coupe?
My mom said she would possibly buy me a used infiniti g35, or a new honda accord coupe. The only thing she has against the infiniti 35 is that in the long run, she says the maintenance/repair costs are going to be significantly higher than the honda accord coupe. Is this true?
i've always believed that maintenance costs were significantly higher for bmw's, mercedes, and lexus but not so much for infiniti's.
Mommas right, Infinity is Nissan's lux brand. Also a new Honda with warranty against a used don't know what's wrong Inf. Get the Honda.
Well, it's a *used* G35, so the warranty is likely already up.
More immediate a concern, you'll find, is that the G expects to be fed premium fuel. Where I live, that's about half a buck per gallon more expensive.
I've worked on Infiniti's at the dealer. Buy the Honda. Infiniti's have problems with the timing chains, cam advance actuators, front suspension, and brakes. All you need to do with the Honda is adjust the valves and change the ATF every 60,000 miles.
I owned a g35 coupe 2004 for a year already and it has 108,000 miles the only things that have gone out are the passenger door accurator and a head light. The headlight ballast was 200 and the lock accurator was 80. The parts are expensive but the car in my opinion is fun to drive.
I own a G37S. It is quite a bit more to maintain. But it is INSAINELY awesome to drive. And they are super nice. But that comes with a cost. I'm a car guy so I decided it was worth paying extra for supreme performance. It just depends where your priorities are and how you want to spend your money. Just make sure you have good first impressions with what you get
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