My 95 honda accord has a flashing d4 light. So i got the plug on the passenger side that has a red and green/blue wire and shorted the pins?

The code it showed me was it blinked 4 times but my check engine light also blinked when i did this method. On a website i found it says 4 blinks means a faulty lock up control system but nothing for the blinking check engine light. The check engine light does not flash when i'm driving but does come on when i drive long distances. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Additional information: my speedometer doesn't work, it had a slight oil leak, and the transmission fluid hasn't been changed in a while My 95 honda accord has a flashing d4 light. So i got the plug on the passenger side that has a red and green blue wire and shorted the pins

When that light flashes it means you have an electrical control problem in the tranny. Input and output speed sensors and shift solenoids are the likely culprits. You need a mechanics $3,000 scan tool to pull transmission codes. Don't go to a transmission shop. They will just try to up sell you a rebuilt transmission.

Find local shop at For estimate we don't always sell rebuilt transmissions. We sell what's needed nothing more

I think you need to address the speedometer issue first. The transmission can't possibly work right without accurate vehicle speed information. The Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) commonly goes bad on these cars. I would start there.