My brakes make a screeching sound, how do I fix?
Okay so my brakes make a screeching sound, but it is not constant. Its more like it only happens at a certain spot when the wheel is turning. Its like screech.pause.screech.pause.screech. Pause. As the wheel is turning, something along those lines. I already installed new rotors and brake pads and it still continues. Whta can i do to fix this. By the way I'm talking about a 96 honda accord.
They sqeel to tell you its time to replace them so buy a new set of brake pads and replace both sides at the same time.
front brakes wear out faster then rear brakes so check the rear brakes just to make sure the pads still have good thickness to them of at least 1/8" higher then the rivets. If you aren't sure then replace the back brakes too.
the rivets are not just there to hold the pads in place but they are what touches the rotors to make the squeeking noise.
It could be the wheel backing plate touching the rotor or a pad hardware piece touching the rotor inadvertently.
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