My car honda accord sport Lx?
My car won't tyrn on it give me a star but won't fully turn on I change the distribution and new battery and new starters
It's hard to understand what you've meant: No cranking, slow cranking. Cranking, turning over but not running? Running then quit?
You may have replaced part(s) that might not be the cause of the problem. Let me rephrase with the right terminology so everybody who want to help then chimes in: Common causes:
1- No cranking, no turning over, clicking, nothing, nada: The probable causes: Fuse(s), fusible link(s), defective starter cut out relay (M/T), loose battery terminal(s), dead battery, ignition switch, clutch safety switch (M/T), park/ neutral switch (A/T), starter, loose solenoid wire, defective starter solenoid, poor ground, engine locked up.
2- Cranking, turning over, slow crank, slow turning over: Defective battery, corroded battery terminals or battery cables, defective starter or corroded starter terminal/ cable, defective starter (High resistance)
3- No start, not running: Fuse(s), fusible link(s), main relay, immobilizer (security) system, fuel pump, ignition control module, top dead sensor, cam/crankshaft position sensor, timing is off or broken timing belt, defective injection driver (Defected PCM), defective ground(s), contaminated/old fuel.
So which one is it? Is the Green light (with the key symbol in it) flashing? It could be the security system. I can tell you right now the most two notorious common failed items on Honda in the same era (Dizzy/ Distributor era): The main relay or the ignition switch. Look at these three videos:
Hope it help and email me if you have more question or need more information. HTH.
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