My car was hit by a green car but has white scratch on it. Why? - 1
I babe a black honda accord. Recently someone trying to park in the spot next to me scratched it. She was driving a gene van. She is claiming thAt there was white paint in my car before.
Her insurance company said they are going to investigate. I don't know what to do I think my car had a white primer on it but how can I confirm that. I tried calling honda but they did not give me any information.
How can I prove that my car was not hit before and the white marks are from her hitting my car.
Most cars have white primer on them, the insurance company will know that, but as they try to find any excuse for not paying out, Your best bet would be a witness to come forward. Was there any black paint on her car?
The white you see is the clear coat damaged, could be from either car.
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