My Honda accord randomly turns off?

My 95 Honda accord randomly turns off when i brake. I've had the engine light turned on for the past 3 months and 2 months ago I cleaned the oil out from the starter. Haven't had a problem until now. My car does not turn off until i completely stop the car. When I'm turning on the car, after it shut down, i have to turn the key and hold it turned and i have to step on the gas. Today, before i stopped, i put the car on neutral and on the car did not turned off; after i put it on park, then reverse and it also did not turn off. So it only turns off when its on drive. I checked the battery, belts, power steering fluid, gas, brake fluid, coolant and everything is perfectly fine.

Clean the throttle body. Get a tune up.

Is the engine light on now? Get the codes read.

Honda Accord. Please capitalize the brand and the model names of cars. Honda Accord is a vehicle, a car, a self propelled device or machine. These machines, when needing service or repairs, are taken to experts on the subject. They are named mechanics or technicians. Describing what the car does or does not do is futile and a waste of time except when speaking with a mechanic. Go find one.