My Honda Accord won't start?
I have a Honda Accord 1998. This all started after I changed the alternator belt. My car was making a weird screeching sound and my mechanic told me that it was the alternator belt, so we changed it. A week after doing that my car would stop whilst being driven. It wasn't the battery seeing as everything would turn on fine. So we took it in and the guy told us it was a sensor (i don't know what) but he changed it and he told us it was the transmission so we changed that as well.
The dang car still turned off while driving it, so we changed the spark plugs and the EGR valve. It was up and running finally! Until today… It stopped on me again. My dad thinks it's the catalytic converter because the check engine light has been on since we got it back from changing the EGR. Please if anyone knows what's it happening I need to know. I'm the only provider of my family and this car is the only one we have.
Wow it could be a fuel; problem but without physically seeing or hearing the car… Its anybodys guess
The ignition switch is bad, a very common problem. Honda was fixing them for free years ago but you'll have to buy one now. You take the plastic cowling off and screw a new contact assembly to the back of the cylinder.
If it dies only when the engine is warmed up (not in the first five minutes) the Ignition Control Module in the distributor is a suspect. If it is failing the spark will be more orange than blue. My top suspect is the ignition switch: see Anonymous's answer and my comment about identifying the switch as the culprit.
The catalytic converter is not even on the list of suspects, but there may be a clue in the codes. Get them read at least but don't buy parts on the advice of a parts guy.
Check spark and check fuel pressure. Get the CEL codes read. 90s Hondas had main relay and distributor issues. A failing fuel pump or fuel pump relay could also be suspect. And see another garage.
If I were to throw a part at this it would be the main relay. Certainly not the transmission. When it dies is when you should listen for the fuel pump when turning the key. If it doesn't start right away check for spark and fuel. It is one of those. If it is a spark issue from what I know change the whole distributor. Check the light and reset it if it is EGR related.
When diagnosing EGR's cleaning the ports is first. Get a new garage. My teacher Daughter could do better.
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