New driver, new car or used car?
New driver, new car or used car? - 1
Added (1). I'm 18 planing to get my license in the next week. My question is new, pre-owned, or used car? If new I would consider a 2014 honda accord which is 18,000 $. Or used 1999 honda civic -2004 honda civic. Which will be better for new drivers? I know insurance will be super high but I was told new car benefits outweigh the cost of it and its better than a used car. I found a 1997 honda civic 2dr coupe 4cyl for $2,000 with 123,000 miles which I'm considering. How much will I spend on repairs?
Used cars tend to be significantly cheaper when you consider costs such as depreciation, financing, insurance, etc. Used cars are more likely to need repairs, but most of the time those repairs cost a lot less than the payments on a new car.
Used… Save your money
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