Oil change liters of new car for the 1st time?

I want to know that how many liters of oil in Honda Accord touring 2017. I changed at 7700 miles for my 1st time, but when take out the oil was only 1.5 - 2 liters.
Is that normally or my oil had lost some because of what?
Anyone have an idea or know what to do?

Call your nearest Honda dealer and ask

You did something wrong, or you were very low on oil. Oil capacity is listed in your owner's manual.

The car is leaking oil or burning oil. Take your car to a dealer and express your concerns. Your car is new. Get the oil changes done at the dealer before they void your warranty.

Liquids evaporate due to engine heat.

It's not: Oil change liters.

Let's call it: the oil pan capacity, or, the engine oil capacity.

Owners manual. Find it, read it

page 526

Gee, the maintenance section of the OWNERS MANUAL contains that information. Duh!

Did you even, at any stage, check the oil level? Maybe it never HAD enough in it!
Anyway, if it's a new car, why are you changing the oil, or is there something you are not telling us? Any problem, your warranty is void.

The filter holds about a quart or 2 of oil; that s why you didn't see much. For peace of mind, check your engine system if there's any leak.

Why are you even changing your own oil? You need to be going to the dealer so you have records in case you ever need warranty work down. Sounds like you don't have a clue what you're doing!