Putting Mobile 1 Advanced Full Synthetic into my 97 honda accord, curious if it's a good idea?

It has a 2.2L Non-Vtec engine has 159K miles, I bought the car at 156k miles, and doing my first oil change. I have no idea what type of oils the previous owner used, I've read to keep using what it has been using, but I obviously have no idea what he used. But I wanted to put Full Synthetic into it, would that be a good idea? I've read how it could start leaks that wouldn't be there before. Opinions?

Added (1). Tried contacting the PO, his number is no longer in service. My rear main seal was just changed, not sure where else I could get leaks at though.

No it doesn't start leaks, and since you have a non Vtec engine I don't see any problem with synthetic at all.

Ordinarily, one should use the SAME grade oil as has been previously used in the car's history. (Can you contact the PO to find out). Sometimes, the finer viscosity of synthetics CAN and DO cause leaks.

As long as you use the car maker's recommended viscosity, you'll be fine. What you're hearing is all myth. Read this post on synthetic oil myths
