What car is the most reliable and best first car?
A toyota celica, Honda accord, nissan altima, prelude, maxima or bmw? What's the most reliable in order
A nissan and honda are the way to go
A chevy malibu isn't bad either, parts are cheap.
Honda accord check Edmunds for this fact
They are all very reliable except for the bmw
Plymouth Reliant
Nissan, Japanese cars are the best
Honda Accord or any of the Nissans
The Prelude and Celica are supposed to be reliable but a huge chunk of them are owned by teenagers that race them. I've never EVER seen a Prelude that is bone stock, ever!
BMWs are expensive to maintain, you need to throw a lot of money into it if you want a reliable vehicle. If you cheap out on the repairs and maintenance like most people do, it will become a POS.
Japanese cars are the best. Then the American cars. If you want a truck go American.
Lamborghini Murcielago yellow coupe is best.
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