What could be wrong with my car?
I recently purchased in 1997 Honda Accord four-cylinder. The problem I have is a electrical problem. When it's off I'll have to jumpstart my battery. I bought a new battery because I thought that was the problem then, I was told it was the alternator so I went get my alternator tested the alternator tested fine. Everytime when I accelerate the battery light come on sometimes the needles on the speedometer flicker and just completely stop working. I check the battery connectors. Those are fine so What could be the problem?
You either have a loose connection on the alternator or the alternator is on the way out. Either the brushes are worn or there's a connection issue internally.
When you accelerate the engine moves on its mounts. Put a voltmeter on the battery and wiggle all the wiring to the alternator and battery.
Take care not to catch all the spinning bits.
Watch to see if the alternator voltage drops.
Hi so no more poke and no hope boy time to get a Honda Dealer to find out what is the problem. The light is a good indicator something is really wrong with it.
Obviously needs brake pads
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