What could cause a honda accord from having firing problem besides no gas and a fully charged battery?

I put new plugs and wires and distributed cap

Is a a firing problem or a starting problem? Does the engine crank and have you done any diagnostic testing? We don't even know the year of the car or the problem symptoms like what is the car doing that is causing you to think it is a firing problem? If the engine is cranking be sure it is getting fuel as well. Sounds like a fuel issue. Can you hear a fuel pump kicking on? Probably should provide some more information to let people help you a bit better.

Bad distributor, main relay, crank sensor, mechanic put new stuff on wrong…

Did you check for actual spark? Is timing ok?
have we put wires on correct plugs?
if the non starting is after changing these parts then its something we have done. Recheck our work. Have we put distributor rotor back? Have we altered points?