Why does my car battery die quickly?

I have a Honda 97 accord and for about 6 months I been having battery troubles. I have bought a new battery thinking that was the problem and also disconnected the stereo also but still dies on me. I'm not all that great with cars so I want to know what can be causing me these troubles.

Alternator is probably bad. The alternator is what charges your battery up while the car is running. That's why when your driving all night with your lights on and stereo slapping the battery doesn't die. But let's say you park your car at the casino an leave your lights on while your in there losing money. The battery is only running on itself with nothing to power it back on. So now your stuck with a dead battery an need a jump by the time your wallets empty an ready to go home( been there done that). To make it simple, no alternate, No charge to your battery. An the car must be all the way on and running for the alternator to run its course. Look under your hood an the alternators usually up front near the belts.
Its silver with copper wire in it (usually). Its pretty easy to replace.

Take it to a Honda dealer and let them look at it sorry, I only buy union made America made product's.

The previous answers arethe most common. If by chance that is not teh problemthen it's off to the spaghetti chases you go. I.e. You willhave to chase every wire fromthe battery to where ever to find the spot it's losing voltage at, thus draining the battery. Most of the times it's a simple issue under the hood. But under the dash and in the dash console can also cause the draining issue.

Likely the charging system is not functioning.

Buy a voltmeter. Check the terminal of the battery when engine is running, Voltage should read 13 volts or above. If it is below that then you have an alternator problem. If ok, Check your battery after shutting off the engine it should read in the range of 12 volt, then check it again after an hour it should not drop dramatically if it does check again the battery this time with the negative terminal removed. If it still dropped then battery is at fault and if not you have a ground problem in your electrical.