Why when i enter my 95 Honda accord radio code it doesn't come on?
Why when i enter my 95 Honda accord radio code it doesn't come on?
The radio has to be reset or wrong code was enter. Is there any error sound (Beep beep) or error message on the display (Depends on radio models.) Any updated, wiring repairing, modification?
If you entered too many wrong codes and got an ERROR E3 message displaying or warning sound. You'll need to do an additional step for even the correct unlock code to work.
Disconnect your negative battery terminal (or pull the radio fuse out if that's easier for you) for 30 seconds then reconnect it and then the radio will say "CODE" again and you can put in your correct unlock code.
Had a wrong code? Read my answer to another member a month ago:
Edit: Hope it help and E mail if you have question. HTH
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