Are bigger cars harder to drive?

My dad found this really good deal on a pre-owned Volkswagen Tiguan S. I've been practicing with a BMW 328i and Honda Civic since I've started driving. I'm just worried about not being able to see the road and problems like that. Or parking badly. Can you guys share some of your experiences about switching from a compact car to a mini-suv like the Tiguan or the differences in them! Thanks! My parents also said that a bigger, roomier car is safer to drive. Is that true?

Added (1). Also, (not related to the question haha) any tips on buying a pre-owned car? This is our first time buying an used car so we don't know what to do to buy a car with little problems and such.

No, they are not really. To be honest, I prefer them!

I've driven cars, vans and SUVs and there's no difference for me. Some even say that it's easier to see around if you're driving a higher vehicle. The Tiguan is fairly small. It's like driving a taller VW Golf. Maneuverability won't be an issue that much. If it was something large like a Tahoe then you will find it difficult driving and parking in tight spaces. It will be nothing once you get used to it. And SUVs are generally safer

Driving in tight places and parking could be a little more stressful. The Tiguan is not huge. You will sit a little higher and be able to see better. That should help.
Bigger cars are not necessarily safer. But all other things being equal, it is better to have a lot of mass on your side if you run into something.
There are all kinds of things to look for when buying a car, Do not look at the number of miles, look at condition. Assume the worst Good luck

Yes, the big cars generally do better safety wise and do well operating. Many of them offer invaluable tools to help you be a better driver.

Actually the Tiquan is a bit higher up and your ability to see, both forward and backward, will be better than a Civic or 328i. And yes, generally safer, and most definitely bigger and roomier. You will like the Tiguan. One note, however, the Tiguan does require premium grade gasoline only.

Well see, I was 14 years old when I got my permit.

But when I turned 16 years old, I got a big truck.

They're honestly not hard to drive, people say its more easier to drive. And a Tiguan isn't even close to being a big car.

Basically… Yes, there's just "more' to manuver and be aware of… Think of the difference between a 4X4 pick up truck and a mini cooper…

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