Can I mod my car, and how or what should I do if I'm able to mod it?

I have a 2012 Honda Civic Automatic and I was wondering if it is possible to mod my car to make it faster? Will the automatic tranny affect the performance or is it better to mod manual transmissions? But if I'm able to mod my car what mods can I do?

You sound new to car modding. You can do alot of things to make it faster. Some cheap go fast mods are a good catback exhaust. Now don't rice it all up with stupid noisy coffee can muffler. Noise does not equal performance. Get a proper performance exhaust from a company like Borla or HKS. Oh and a cold air intake is a cheap mod. Those things won't make it ALOT faster but could add 5-10 hp. A turbo would be the single best way to get more power but its expensive and there are a few other things that would need to be done along with it. There are other small things you can do. Go to Plenty of info there.
Oh and another thing, for god sake don't put that stupid towhook on the back that so many civic owners do. Its the single stupidest accessory I have ever seen put on a car. That and the fake stick-on fender ports. Oh and the fake center hood scoops. YUCK

Certain mods will void you powertrain warranty so keep that in mind. Use a search engine to locate honda performance retailers online for r18 engines

Start with a real car movies depict hondas as race cars try watching a race no honda's are there coincidence… I think not its a grocery getter go get some grocerys

A cold air intake won't do SQUAT for an engine with a MAF sensor. Read this article about phony mods