Can my 2002 Honda Civic last a 2 hour/ 118 mile road trip?

I have a 2002 Honda Civc Lx, it's been through quite a number of owners; I believe 3-4 including me and my brother. It has about 220,450 miles on it. For the year I've had the car and the years my brother did, it hasn't ever broken down or anything. Oil changes and maintainence has been kept up fairly well and overall, the car is pretty reliable. The only thing is that I was told that the car might overheat during the trip. I plan on avoiding this by driving early in the morning/ late at night. With all that said, would my car be able to make the 2 hour/ 118 mile trip?
(I live in Arizona and I'm going from Tucson to Phoneix if that serves any relevance.)

That is not a long road trip. Should be no big deal.

The outside air doesn't make the car overheat. It' s the heat from the car's engine that causes overheating. If the car has been well maintained and has never overheated before, there's no reason to think it will on this relatively short trip.

If the engine does start to overheat, turn off the a/c and turn on the heater. Yes, that actually cools down the engine.

If the car has been maintained fairly well as asserted and since the road trip is short (as Chuckles mentioned), personally I think you will have no problem. Just make sure your radiator is topped off. If the car starts to show signs of overheating, shut down the ac, turn on the heater a bit, and open the window. (As Mamie mentioned.) At worse, pull off to the side of the road to wait for it cool down.

What would make it overheat? Is there something wrong with the cooling system? Without knowing why it's likely to overheat, no one can say if it will go that long or not without overheating.

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