Can you get a full time job in a week?

My dad randomly, without forewarning, decided to exclaim that I will be out of the house in a week. Okay, ******* great. Now, I have to look for a full-time job. I have about $2,000 in savings--but I was expecting to use that for school, which my dad had decided he wasn't going to pay for after buying a $40,000 Mercedes Benz (and then three Chevy trucks about ten years ago) when he already had a working Honda Civic.

So I'm in a tricky situation (and I hate that useless ************), and I need to get a full-time job really soon. Could I get one in two weeks?

It's extremely doubtful in this economy. There are 30 million unemployed Americans.

In my area, recently there have been help wanted signs going up everywhere. One might think that points to a recovery, at least in my small area. But all it points to is a further decrease in actual jobs, and an increase in part time, minimum wage work. All signs were for part time, minimum wage.

But it sounds like you are an adult, and you live in this world too, and this is something that you will have to deal with, just like all of the rest of us.