Car window displacement issue?

Hello auto-savvy people. 2005 Honda Civic. Tried rolling down the window and it basically got stuck and didn't roll down it seemed (happened while driving, hard to remember exactly). After it never rolled down, it basically "fell" inside the door with a big clunk while driving. When I was able to look at it, it basically looks like the the thing that actually goes up and down got detached from the actual window. I managed to slip it back in place per say and roll the window back up so that it is closed, but if I try to roll it down again, the window basically stays closed but then drops with a clunk if a fly lands on it. So basically, seems detached from the window motor. Can anyone confirm or deny my hypothesis? Anyone know how much it'd cost to fix? I plan to trade my car in and buy a new car within the next 6 months, so I'm trying to determine if it's worth fixing. If it's a simple, why not.

If there's a junk yard nearby you could get a used assembly for the window and use your old motor if it's still working, sounds like the control arm/ guide arm is loose off it's rail (if i'm imagining it correctly, the old Chrysler I worked on had a scissor like arm connected to the motor via gear teeth with the scissor action happening along a rail on the bottom of the window). I think I picked up my replacement parts for around $50-$60. The only hard part about replacing it is the tight space in the door, best have a second person to help hold onto things when installing.

Side note, i've also seen window motor assemblies in Mazda's that spool a wire up and down with the window connection attached to the wire, I have not worked with those before but I would imagine it would not be as difficult as you might think.

I wish I could see it so I could tell exactly what is wrong, some have glue that bonds the glass to the track, if you can tell that is what it is you can try getting a two part adheasive that will glue glass to metal like at Menards, Home Depot, auto parts store, it probably would not cost a whole lot more to have an automotive glass shop or bodyshop fix it. What ever it is. Under $50