Do I need to replace my timing belt?

I have a 2005 Honda Civic with 80,000 miles on it. Manual says 7 years or 110,000 miles.

You answered your own question. 2005 is a lot more than 7 years ago (it's 10 years ago, in fact!) so it's LONG overdue for you to replace the timing belt.

Timing belt isn't something to mess with. If the belt breaks, it destroys the engine and that is not a cheap thing to replace. You're looking at a big 4 figure sum for engine replacement or repair.

Just replace the belt already.

Timeing belt is nothing to fk with. Do it now. Proper maintenance will make a car last forever and be trouble free. Ever wonder why people with cheap cars always complain about the cars being junk? Mostly because they don't do the proper maintenance to try and save money. It costs you in the long run.

7 years OR 110,000 miles. Whichever comes first. Your car is nearly 10 years old… What do you think?

Well, you've gone well past the 7 year old marker.
It's cheaper to replace the belt now than have it break and ruin the engine.

You do not want it(the belt) to go on you. You rolling the dice on your car. If you lose it could cost you a couple grand in engine repairs.

My parents just shelled out 3 grand in engine repairs after a timing belt went.

It's time to change it.

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Just because it has not broken on you yet, does not mean it will not. Rather do a cheap belt change than a motor overhaul.(couple hundred versus several thousand dollars) You got money to burn? Not many people do.