Honda civic 91 starting problem?

I think My car main rely keeps messing up or my new walbro pump but I live in Vegas and its hot as hell people are telling me that the heats to hot for the car and messing it up because it start but then shuts down I changed the main rely and it worked fine but today it started again so i don't know what to do anymore yes Ileft it alone for like a hour but shut right away i don't know if its my new pump or the heat or wiring please help!

When it doesn't start listen for the fuel pump. Cycle the key till you hear it, itll crank up and run like a top lol. Dunno why they do this, my daughter wrecked hers before i could diagnose. I spent a few minutes but my haynes manual was misleading as to troubleshooting the fuel pump. Hers actually was a 4 dr accord. It would start, sputter, die then nothing. I suspect it wasn't the actual fuel circuit that was faulty though

You did not mention if you have installed an anti-theft system…
I had same problem with my 2K Civic and proved to be caused by the aftermarket alarm system I installed. Many car alarm systems immobilize the car by turning off the fuel pump. If car alarm's relay or connector (I'd start with the connector) is faulty then the pump remains dead.
I suppose that when you changed main relay you also moved some cables making alarm's or immobilizer's connector to make contact for a while but not for long.
Just to be sure check also if you installed a faulty new relay…

The first two things come to my mind would be the Main relay and the Ignition switch. The following two links will help: Did you replace the Main relay with OEM part?
Another thing is you'll need to find out that the car is loosing spark or fuel when it stall out. Does the fuel injectors still working when the engine dies out? By using a "Noid" light that you can buy from the auto part store will confirm, if the "Noid" light is not flashing, the injector resistor may need to be replace.

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