Honda civic cooling system issues?

99 Honda civic with 250k miles. Heat meter rises to 75-80% when idling, even at stop lights and stopped in traffic. The following have been replaced within the last 6 months: head gasket, water pump, radiator, thermostat, most of the heater hoses, radiator cap. Car is up to date and full of oil and coolant. No known leaks. My mechanic says it is normal fluctuation, though this concerns me because I have never experienced this with this car. The temps do get high around here in the day, but again this has never happened during any previous summers.

Does anyone have any suggestions or theories?

Have you checked the radiator fan? Is it coming on when the temperature gauge goes to 80% at idle? If the temp gauge is normal when driving (air being pushed thru the radiator) and high at idle (no air being pushed except by the radiator fan) then that is a sign that the radiator fan is not working.

I assume the temp gauge goes to 80% with the AC on. Does it come back to what you consider normal if you turn the AC off?

During all the cooling system repairs was the cooling system flushed to get rid of rust and corrosion?

Also, a honda civic with 250K miles is not worth much. Unless you are in love with the car it might be time to stop spending on it and replace it.

Do you have the correct temperature thermostat? I think it should be a 185 degree one.

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