How many miles and years can my 2012 Honda Civic last?

I have a 2012 Honda Civic that I recently purchased from carmax
I'm a college student and wanted to know how long my car would last me. I have 93k miles on it now. I drive about 40 miles a day from school to work. I wanted to know how many years would my car last and how many miles I can get out of my car. I do oil changes on time

About 10.

That is entirely up to you.
Maintain in properly 300000 miles plus.

Most cars will last around 200k miles of properly cared for but you have to know how to properly care for it

Why oh why do people think that a question like this is even close to answerable, some even try to answer it.
The plain fact is that if you also had the car that came off the production line just before or just it and treated it exactly the same it would either last longer or less in terms of miles or years before it reached the point of being uneconomical to fix or maintain any longer.
There's no magic formula, no way to know.


How long do you want it to last? If maintained, all repairs made as needed, body and motor, etc. It can last just about forever. But there may and will come a day where some repairs will cost more then the car is worth. At that time it would be your choice to repair, sell, junk the car and take on car payments that will be more then the repairs cost.

I just bought a car that has done 240 000 miles, still going strong

You could be broadsided or T boned 15 minutes from now. (or have a head on collision with a moving utility pole)(or find a cliff like Wile E. Coyote and take a dive this afternoon)
. My crystal ball does not see into the future now that I have exceeded the warranty.
If none of that comes to pass, then maybe 10 years(longer if you park it in storage for a few years).

That is entirely up to you.
Maintain in properly 300000 miles plus.

Honda engineers and designs some of the most durable and long lasting engines of any automaker on the planet. If properly and fully serviced and maintained the Civic could last upwards of 300k miles. The continued maintenance is the key.