How should I prepare my 2002 honda civic for storage? (3 1/2 months)?

I'm a college student and traveling home for the summer without my car. I need to put it into storage for 3 and 1/2 months at the most. I plan on putting fuel stabilizer in the tank, and i just had the car get an oil change and 91,000 mile "check up". I plan on refilling the transmission and brake fluids either before or after the storage because i know they don't last sitting there useless. My only concern is the car battery, I don't have any proper tools to unplug it… How can i best prepare for this? I can go to the auto store and buy a tool or two i guess but i'm new to this experience. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Fuel stabalizer is a smart idea, I would disconnected the battery, you can get a cheap small adjustable wrench at walmart for like $3.

Checking and Changing the fluid after the summer is over would be good.