Is 215k miles on a 2005 Honda Civic too much?

I'm looking to buy a cheap car, and the owner Is selling this for $700. Good condition. Is it worth it to all my car guys out there? I know nothing about cars

Dude don't you'll spend more on repairs than the car

Most hondas will last for 300k miles if taken care of, depends on the condition of the car and under the hood tbh

Too many miles. For a 2005 car, go with something under 175,000 miles

Way too much. It might last a few months before major repairs.

If you're willing to keep up with maintenance then it could last for MAYBE another 50k-100k but 215k for a car is a lot so just keep in mind that you would have to be doing repairs often to keep it going. There's obviously a reason the person is only selling it for $700, it's probably been either rebuilt or it has problems that he's not telling you about. There's plenty of cheap options out there with lower miles on them. I would look into Toyota's too because they're cheap and are one of the most reliable cars out there, they last forever. I personally wouldn't recommend it because you'll just end up paying way more in repairs.

The mileage is high but Honda's are generally very reliable vehicles. If this vehicle has been well looked after and maintained correctly, there may be some decent life remaining in this vehicle.

Even though the asking price is low, i still suggest having the vehicle looked at by a shop of YOUR choosing if you're seriously considering buying it. It will cost you a little bit of money but at least you have a better sense of the vehicle's true condition and what repairs, if any, you will need to look after within the foreseeable future.

I would not buy it.

Its worth $700 depending on its condition but you should expect a lot of repairs going forward.

No man, 215k miles is too much, he owner already repair the engine? You can find a lot of cars with 50k-100k with a good price

215k miles is almost the distance from earth to the moon. Too many miles for me. It's pretty well used up.