Is it safe to drive my honda civic non stop everyday?

My job requires me to drive 8hrs a day, then a co worker would take over and drive another 8hrs a day. In total the car would be driven 16 hrs a day all on the highway. Close to 1600kms a day. Is this going to destroy the car? I keep up with maintanace too.

Police cars and taxi's run 24/7 and have no problems why should the Honda. Just keep checking the oil every morning

Believe it or not, steady highway driving is the easiest on the car and engine. Wish you had listed the year make and model of your car so we could look-up the maximum mileage safely till your next oil change.

After the first few days, where weaknesses will pop up, it should do it just fine. Keep a close eye on coolant, oil, and tire temperature (a good indication of inadequate inflation) by checking each every time you get gas. For the tire temperature just feeling each quickly is good enough… A hot tire is underinflated or failing.

That is what they do at the factory test track.