Is it worth it driving 2 hours to work?

My uncle offered me a job that pays 18 bucks an hour. It's 2 hour away and I have to go threw tolls. I have a 95 honda civic and a motorcycle which I spend 40 bucks on gas to full the tank on the Car. I'm going to finish high school in a week in a half. If I get the job I have to work Tue-Saturday and 10 hours. Is it worth it or not.

If it was me, I'd do it. Not sure where you live, but where I live, I'd love to make $18 per hour!

I think it is, its hard to find jobs now a days that pay that much. You just have to get plenty of rest and make sure you keep your vehicle in good shape. You never know after you get to working a while and meet people you may want to move closer. It won't hurt to i've it a try.

18 years old and fresh out of school and $18/hr. Take the job but find a way to move closer to it.

I don't think so.

No, you could get a job much closer for the same pay. Assuming you are over the age of 20.