Is this Honda Civic a good deal?

Says it shakes violently. What could cause that? Need a car for my nephew. If repairs won't cost much I might consider. Is price right? Anything I should notice?
Appreciate it

If the repairs wouldn't cost much, the owner would fix it before selling it. Get a mechanic to look at the car.

It might just need a tune up, BUT, its got 177k miles, not going to be long until its going to need LOTS of things, one after the other, i would leave it alone.

When buying a used car the sale is "AS IS".
It is your duty to have your Licensed Tech do a survey before you buy.
NO ONE can tell if it is a good deal without the Survey report.

"Shakes violently"
1. Wheel assembly out of balance.
2. Engine mounts loose/broken/missing.
3. Bad Gasoline (rare).
4. Drive Shaft out of balance or damaged.

Craig's List is not the best place to find a decent car.
You should go to a New or Used Car Dealership.

Never buy unknown problems.
spend 4000$US on a used car and expect to drop another 1000$US in the next two years.