My car showed no oil, so I filled it, and now it's overfull?

Hi, so I checked my oil when my car was hot and it showed no oil, so i filled it up. Today I checked it when it was cold and now it shows over full, like over double what's supposed to be in there.

I drive an 05 honda civic if that makes a difference.

Obviously I'm going to drain it, but why did it show none when I checked. Would it just be because it was hot?

I can only assume you checked it while it was running or very shortly after you turned off the engine? Either that or you checked it while it was not on level ground

You're supposed to let the engine sit for a few minutes ( I give it at least 5 min. ) to let all the oil that's in the upper portions of the cylinder head pour back down into the oil pan to get a true level reading

After engine has been running a lot of the oils is in the top of the engine, it takes a little while for the rest. Of the oil to drain back down into the bottom of the oil pan after the engine is shut off.

When the engine was hot all the oil was sitting in the top of the engine. Your drain back holes are plugged. Most likely it has had poor maintenance and not had the oil changed regularly. Parafin based oils are notorious for doing that. I never use quaker state or penzoil for that reason

You overfilled it. Drain some out and re check. And find the oil leak too

Hadn't all returned to the reservoir yet? How long did it sit before you checked it. Some
times it takes a sec to all drain back down

"… I fiilled it."

Filled it with 4 quarts or what, Ace? If it isn't showing on the dipstick, it could have been 3/4 to a quart low. Your car has two dipsticks now.

Always check your oil on a cold engine.


You either checked the wrong dipstick or can't see! I highly recommend you stay away from under the hood! Like every other person that has no mechanical sense you will ruin something playing mechanic!