Over filled motorcycle oil and riden for 5 miles?

Basically i like an idiot over filled my motorcycle (honda vision 110) with to much oil. And rode it home from where i bought the oil (5 miles roughly) alot of smoke blue smoke came out. I've drained it but was just wondering what's the likelyhood of serious damage? Its not not kicking out smoke since i've drained it. Currently in bits as i've only just bought it brand new basically after saving so hard any help is so greatly appreciated!

By putting too much oil in your engine your also adding a lot of pressure as well. The pressure get's too much that things start to fail. In your case, the oil slipped past the piston rings and into the piston chamber. Then it was exhausted like your fuel. So what you need to do, is you need to check if your piston rings are still good. If they are then I don't think real damage was done based on what you said. To check your piston rings you have to perform a compression test. To do this you'll need only a compression tester and maybe a socket wrench with the right size socket to take the spark plug out. You'll need to do both a wet test and a dry test. If the pressure is about the same for both tests and within specs, then your piston rings are probably okay.

5 miles shouldn't have caused too much of a problem as long as it was an easy 5 miles home.
The compression test would show you if there was a major problem but since you have drained out the overfill than just keeping an eye on your exhaust for too much blue smoke should be good enough.

Riding 5 miles, over filled with oil, will cause no damage.
The excess oil will blow out through the crankcase breather into the air box.
Remove the air filter and clean any oil that may have accumulated in the air box.