93 Honda civic won't start?

I can hear the fuel pump running. I have a brand new distributer, spark plugs and spark plug wires. And when i crank the car it sounds strong (not low on battery). I can see the spark plug wires are producing a spark.
Does anybody have any suggestions?

Honda Civic LX 1998 auto 4 door fluctuating Idle turned on check engine light

I recently bought this Civic and have to get it inspected, after charging the battery and installing a new radiator with all fresh fluids, the car started great. Then today I started it to check if the cold weather drained the battery, it didn't, but after a couple minutes of idling, it started revving from 1.25 to 2.5 rmp up and down, then the check engine light came on. The weird thing is it that it idles and acts fine in Drive or Reverse. Anyone have a clue on where I can find the problem or how to fix it?

Transmission flush for 2009 honda civic hybrid?

I have a 2009 honda civic hybrid and it has 102,000 miles on it i'm the 2nd owner and i want to do a transmission flush on it. So do i just need to do a trasmission flush or drain and refile the trasnmission fluid please help me thanks

Two red blinking lights when I turn off/ lock my car?

Hi, I drive a 2015 Honda civic EX. There was always the blinking red light near the stereo system whenever I'd turn off and lock my car but after a long drive I had, there's now a blinking red light whenever I turn off/ lock my car near the gas level lights. What is it? Is it also an anti theft light? I've read the manual and it doesn't say. Help!

Added (1). lmao. Nono guys, what's weird is that i only had the light on the stereo that would activate when i turn off/ lock my car. The other one near the gas lights never went off until now which if found really weird.

Honda Civic 2000 blown head gasket. Worth fixing?

I have a Honda Civic 2000 4door and I believe I had blown a head gasket. It isn't running and its leaking water/coolant. I'm not sure if it is worth fixing or just selling and moving on. Also not sure how much it would be.

Why do people try to race my car? Is it a bad thing?

I have a 1999 red honda civic ex coupe with black and chrome rims. Everything is pretty much stock. I'm not into jucing up or suping up cars to make them faster because its just my work car and car i drive to college. But i was at a red light and this white audi car pulled up beside me it looked like it could be a 2015 audi tt with red rims but they kept horsing their motor at me so when the light turn green i took off and they caught up with me and kept horsing their motor and it seemed like they suped up their car because the way it sounded like it was a boom of thunder lol but it was so loud that it rattled my car. I was scared because we was in the city limit and the speed limit was 35 mph. I wasn't trying to race them but they passed me and they kept slowing down i guess waiting for me to catch up to them but i just kept driving slow so they just took off and left. I'm not the type of person eho race or show off but does that make me look bad and scary?

Are Replacing Rear Car Speakers Worth It?

I just replaced the two stock front speakers and head unit on my 2006 honda civic and I realized that the rear right speaker is blown. I can only hear the blown speaker when I play songs with high bass or when I turn the volume up loud. I hear from people that replacing rear speakers aren't worth it because you won't hear a difference in sound quality. Would replacing the blown speaker be worth it? Or would it be smarter to just leave it the way it is?

What car is better this Toyota or Honda?

2013 Honda Civic EX-L Sedan-https://www.liahyundaiofenfield.com/certified/Honda/2013-Honda-Civic-Enfield-4631ce2f0a0e0a170a2315f89da26a8d.htm

2014 Toyota Corolla LE Plus-http://www.galetoyota.com/vehicle-details/used-2014-toyota-corolla-le-plus-enfield-ct-id-11592824

Defrost not Working in my 98 honda civic?

Everything works fine except when it comes to defrosting my front window. The heater works fine as well as the ac, I don't know if it's normal but when I turn on my ac without pressing any buttons to direct the air it goes straight to my feet( i believe thats normal?). When I press the defrost button, you can hear a humming sound coming from the defroster but no air comes out at all, instead the air goes to the vents on the sides( not the middle vents) and the feet vents mainly. How can I fix this problem folks?