Possible fixes for smog test failure in California?

My '93 Honda Civic del Sol failed the smog test. The results:

(Numbers after slashes are the limits)

@15 MPH @25 MPH
1720 rpm 2827 rpm

CO2 14.8 14.8
O2 0 0
HC 29/71 22/41
CO 0.04/0.39 0.02/0.39
NOX **1254/720** 579/774

As you can see, it passes on all but the 15 MPH NOX.

From this numbers, is it obvious what it would likely take to bring it back to passing status?

Again this is a California spec car, being tested in California.

The only thing I know would be to have the catalytic converter swapped out - ask around friends/family if they can recommend an reliable and reasonable mechanic.

Find a good mechanic to advise you. The whole point of the California emissions laws though is to get cars like yours off the road. So it may not be worth trying to make your car road worthy in this state. Quite often it'll be cheaper to buy a later model vehicle that can pass the standards.