Should I buy a new car or used?

I'm working in Texas I live in California but I'm making tons of money out here I fly back December 31st but I have a lot of money saved up $13,000 it's a lot to me lol but I wanna ask if I should use that for a down payment for a new car or keep building my car. I have a 98 trans am and 2011 Honda Civic I'm making payments on I need guidance lol I never had this much money before I feel an urgency to get something I really wanted which is a 2016 Camaro ss. Brand new they're a lot more so I was thinking a used dealership.


Good used mayeb

It is always cheaper to buy a low mileage used car with a good repair record than it is to buy a new car. There are lots of nice Toyotas, Hondas, Hyundais and even Lexi for that price.

How much do you owe on the Honda? And do you have any other debts? Are you planning to get rid of one of the other cars or are you going to keep 3 cars? Here's another idea--keep your $13,000 in the bank for a while.

Making payments on? Wise up. Do not have debt. Ever.

Put $4500 in an IRA to cut down your tax liability. Put the rest in a managed investment account and watch it grow. Dump the TransAm, since Pontiac Motor Division is extinct. Get ready for effed up economy to come in the next few years.

I AGREE with the IRA.
And DON't spend heavily on a car. Plan for your future & retire early.

Google "drive free, retire rich".

DON't let that money burn a hole in your pocket… Keep it for hard times, fix up the trans am and go about all of this nice and slow.

Used ones…
Used ones are cheaper
