What are the best spark plugs and wires for my 1994 Honda civic cx?

What are the best spark plugs and wires for my 1994 Honda civic cx? - 1

The factory ones work just fine. More or less throwing money away with "upgrades". Unless you have a $50,000 drag engine in it… And if you did, you should know what to buy.

I'm a big believer of using the factory recommended plugs. One slip up from the parts counter guy and you might have an electrode hitting a piston.

NGK or Denso brands only. Your choice whether to use Platinum or Iridium plugs. Autolite or AC Delco plug wires will work. Get your valves adjusted yet. Honda's get tight valves and they need to be adjusted every 60,000 miles.

Factory Honda plugs and wires.

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