What is the cost to change a starter on a 1999 honda civic?

What is the cost to change a starter on a 1999 honda civic? - 1

If you do it yourself, just the cost of the starter (no more than $150 for a new one) and 30 minutes of your time.

Get a shop to do it, and it'll be about $90 labor (or whatever the hourly shop rate is), plus the cost of the starter plus mark up, and shop supplies. You'd be looking at double the cost of doing it yourself.

On a scale of difficulty, this is a novice job - the shops LOVE these jobs because it's really good margin for them. Try it yourself, save some coin!

Starter is $110, labor is $100

Its a simple job between $75-135

Depends on the labor rate charged by the garage, they can either do it by book, or flat rate.

For pity sake. Phone a few different outlets to get a price