Why Is My Rear Passenger Tire Tilted Inward?

I purchased a used 2006 honda civic and the rear passenger side tire is slightly slanted inward from the top. I had a few friends tell me about it but I realized it for the first time today. The previous owner told me that the car was involved in an accident before and it was hit in the back. Could this just be the alignment or is it something more serious and expensive?

There's no way of knowing without taking it to the shop.

If true this is fixable with shims during an alignment. But all rear tires tilt in slightly for stability in turns. Take a look at BMWS from the rear to see this to the extreme.

Seems like you have already answered your own question.


Christ all freakin-mighty, why are people so completely useless today?!

The mind boggles

It depends on what you consider 'slightly tilted inward'. It is SUPPOSED to be slightly tilted. If it is tilted more than it should be, an alignment MAY be able to correct it. If the collision bent something too far, it may be beyond what an alignment can address.

It's likely the rear strut was bent in that accident. Is the tire wearing more on the inside? If so, that would confirm it.

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