Can I trade in my new Honda CR-V after 4 months?

I bought the wrong color.

Took you 4 months to realize the color was wrong, huh? I don't see why you wouldnt get one.

Considering the loss you would realize on this - get it painted.

Sure you CAN. You'll lose THOUSANDS of dollars on the deal, but hey! It's YOUR money.

Sure, if you're an idiot * willing to lose thousands in the transaction including depreciation and paying another financing fee, sales tax and licensing all over again. All in all, plan on it costing more than five thousand.

You can do anything you want, you just have to pay up. The dealer will not just let you trade your 4 month old car for one of another color for free.Probably will cost you $5,000.00

Just paint

I buy it, I pay half!

I don't know

If that criteria doesn't keep ya from trying the financial hit probably won't either.

That's cool in a way, though.

I've driven a car not my color for some nine years now.
